Hello everyone!
This week has been awesome!
We had the travelling sister training leaders come out Wainwright and that was great! I learned so much from them!
They have worked so hard for this and they deserve it. I am so thankful that I have been able to help them along the way to conversion! We are just so happy for them and the decision they have made to be baptized! We love them so much!
I know that I talked about my mom just a few short weeks ago, but Mother's Day is something special! I love my mom so much! She raised me to be a strong, independent women (so did my father, but mom is cool #sorrynotsorry). A member in our branch, Brother Orr, gave a wonderful talk about mothers. I honestly wish I had a copy of his talk it was that good. I can't remember exactly what he said, but he talked about how mothers are always watching, listening, and caring. I know my mom is 15 hours away from me, but somehow she can still send her warming love even through the cold Canadian winters. Again, I can say that I would stand with the stripling warriors and say, "We doubt not for our mothers knew it."
Mama Missy knows a lot of things. She knows when I need comfort. She knows when I need love. She knows when I am sad. My mother also knows that Jesus is the Christ. She knows that Joseph Smith is a prophet. She knows that families are forever. She knows that Heavenly Father knows each of us by name, and has taught me all of those principles. I am so thankful for her.
Thanks mom! ❤
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