Monday, July 17, 2017

March 21, 2017 Home Of The World's Largest Softball

What up fam bam!

I love y'all! Thanks for all the love and support you give me, even
from so far away!

This week was awesome! We were able to find 4 new investigators! I
love the work we do here as missionaries. We invite people to come
closer to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and they can chose whether or
not they want to.

I'm just thinking about how important that agency is. It is one of
God's greatest gifts to us. God gives us the choice to do good or bad.
He loves us regardless of us making right or wrong choices.  Not to
say we can get away with sin, but that God's love for us is there
always. He doesn't love the bad choices we make, but he still loves us
as the Child of God that we all are. God's love is real. That is all.

Anyway, this week was awesome!
We went traveling around our area. We went to a little village called
"Chauvin" apparently it is home to the worlds largest softball, but it
didn't look that big to me. Haha, just kidding it was pretty cool! We
felt like we needed to go there for some certain reason, but we didn't
find any new investigators there. However, we did share "Because He
Lives" with this cute couple. They weren't very interested, but they
still listened to us. It 12° C that   day, and I wasn't even wearing a
jacket. The old man looked at me and said, "Where are you from that
you don't need a jacket in this weather?" We all replied in unison,
"Utah!"  He looked so confused, but it was legit beautiful weather. So
warm. So nice. It was wonderful! Right now it's pretty chilly, only
because of the wind though. I think the sunniest days in Canada are
also the coldest. It doesn't make sense!

This week I have been so thankful for my wonderful companions. They
are 2️⃣ LEGIT 2️⃣ QUIT. God puts people in our path for a reason, and
I'm just so thankful for the love and support they give me.

Well, I love you all! Thanks for reading, until next time!

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1+2: the village of Chauvin.
3+4: that sunset doe. (Also, 3 is legit candid. Not even posed)
5: shellfffieee

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