Monday, July 17, 2017

April 11, 2017 "...we do not doubt our mothers knew it..."

This week is transfers, so next week I will tell you of the crazy
things that are happening within my little companionship.

This week has been full of miracles.
My favourite miracle of this week I think was on Friday.
We drove out to a little tiny town called Irma and we only have about
45 minutes to tract, but we parked in front of this house and prayed.
We walk up to the house, and I did not want to knock on the door.
Heavenly Father decided to give me a little tender mercy and this lady
just opened up her door. She is so so so so ✨SPARKLY ✨ it was awesome!
 We showed her, "Prince of Peace" and she said, "That video is
beautiful. The part that talked about Christ's resurrection, really
touched me. I had two sons pass away in 1989, and I know that one day
I will see them again."
I started crying because I loved that part as well. The spirit hit me
so hard. I bore my testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and
about His resurrection. We found out that her name is Barb. Barb
prayed with us and she is awesome!

Another miracle of this week! We are now teaching Lindy Guitard and
her cute family! They are moving to Wainwright soon, and we trying to
set up a baptismal date for the beginning of May! Lindy and her family
are so ready to be baptized, but they living outside of our mission
boundaries. I forgot to talk about this little tender mercy last week!
At least, I don't think I mentioned it... (sorry if I did) any who, we
were trying to figure out Lindy's situation and things like that. So
we had to call the missionaries in Saskatchewan! When the missionaries
answered they said, "Hello, this is Sister Firmage and (I cant
remember the other sisters name)." I was like, "Hi, this is sister
turns out, I was. Funny how things work out like that. It just goes to
show, that "tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath
chosen..." I just thought I would share that fun story!

This week, I just want to share my testimony of the importance of the
role motherhood. My mom taught me almost everything that I know. Along
with the stripling warriors I can say, I do not doubt that my mom
knows that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and the Saviour of the
World. I love my mom, and have been so thankful for her this week. My
mom (& dad) taught me how to act as a daughter of God. Momma Missy has
taught me that I can rely on my Saviour during times of need. This
week, I have relied on the the enabling power of the atonement of our
Saviour, Jesus Christ. Thank you mom for being an example to me. I
love you.

I love you all! Hope you are all doing well!

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1. Tres Leches (sister Gover is wearing white leggings, don't worry)
2. Sitting pretty in the Trailer Park

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