Tuesday, July 18, 2017

July 11, 2017 Lice, I mean, life got in the way 🐜

Well, by the title of my email, you may have been able to tell, it's
been a decently exciting week.

A few weeks ago sister Ard kept saying that her head itches, and being
the person that I am was like, "cool, sometimes my head itches too." I
seriously did not think much of it, however, on Wednesday we were
doing some paper work stuff and sister Ard asked me if I could check
her head for lice, so I am digging through her head like an ape
looking for some bugs to eat when I see a little tiny bug. I freaked
out and said, "SISTER THERE IS A BUG IN YOUR HAIR." So, we asked Siri
watch lice look like, and screamed our little hearts out. However, I
remember another companionship getting lice so I was searching through
my email to find pics. Well, while I was doing that, sister Ard moved
her head SO THE BUG WAS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. And as soon as I got the
picture pulled up I screamed again because it looked the exact same!

We called sister Pattison, however last week was transfers and they
were in the temple with all the missionaries going home (RIP). So two
hours later we get a call saying to launder everything in our house
and to go get some Nix Shampoo which removes nits & lice. Well, this
was about 7:00 at night that this is all happening, we didn't sleep
well that night because we left there was bugs crawling all over us.
So the next day we text President and tell him everything going on and
that we basically had to vacuum & clean everything in our apartment,
he was like "Do what you need to Do." Holy goodness, we basically
bleached out whole apartment, ain't no louse surviving in this

Luckily, we've done a head check everyday and I have not had one louse
in my hair, but sister Ard had 6 little friends just chilling with her
for over a week.

There was also a HUGE lightning storm this week. It reminded me of the
time where my bestie, Ashley Margaret Hayes, and I would just sit and
try to catch a picture of lightning outside of her house. I love her.

Anyway, I have a talk about Kindness on Sunday. As I was studying the
Atonement this week, I was also studying about how kind Christ was to
be able to do that for us. In three of the four Gospels, it mentions
Christ asking Heavenly Father to take the bitter cup from him. I
realized that I am sure our Saviour was completely overwhelmed and
maybe for the first time realized the full measure of what was being
asked of him. Personally, I would not want to suffer as the Book of
Mormon says, "pains and temptations and afflictions of every kind" and
I personally believe that Christ wasn't to fond of the idea as well.

However, our loving and merciful Saviour suffered in the Garden of
Gethsemane not just for me, but for every single person on this Earth;
whether they choose to repent and come closer to him or not, he still

I will forever be thankful for my Saviour. And I am so thankful that I
know I am safe with my Saviour.

I love you all and hope you have an itch-free week!

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1. Vacuuming literally all our furniture.
2. Nix shampoo
3. Lousey louse
5. Taste the Rainbow (supper artsy, I know)

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