Tuesday, July 18, 2017

June 20, 2017 My 7301 Day on Earth!

Hello friends, family, people I love & care about,

First, happy Father's Day to my old man! Love you dad! Seriously,
thank you for everything you have done for me throughout my life.
One of my favourite memories of my dad and I is when we drove to
Farmington to get my new license and after I totally convinced you to
go see Star Wars 7 at Farmington Station, so we ended up sitting in
one of the very front rows. Anyway, I just walked in all happy to be
there with my dad watching Star Wars, and just reminiscing in the days
where I would open my presents and instead of a Barbie doll, I got a
Darth Vader mask and a lightsaber that changed colours. Well, my dad
being the observant man that he is sits down with eyes as big a
quarters and says, "Lex, look who behind us."
So I turn around and sitting there is President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
with his wife and family members. If I do remember right, he was
wearing a sweater vest. And so instead of being focused on the movie
the the entire time, I was trying to listen to what President Uchtdorf
said about every part in the movie.

Love you dad, thanks for teaching me to trust in Heavenly Father.
Thanks for teaching me what it means to work hard. Thanks for teaching
me that I can do anything I want. I love you dad. Honestly, I would be
a completely different person if it weren't for you. I remember you
doing your high kicks in the parking lot and yelling, "THIS IS MY
DAUGHTER LEXIE! I AM HER DAD!!!" Holy goodness, no wonder I am so
weird. It's okay though because after a few years of ducking in
between cars in the parking lot while you were doing that, I learned
how to embarrass you. So instead of you kicking your legs above your
head in the parking lot, it was me, but in the actual grocery store.
You trying to embarrass me really backfired on you didn't it?

Thanks for being you, because we are the same. You little stubborn
guy. I love you.

Second, thanks for all the birthday wishes, I might not have time to
reply to everyone, but I just want to say thank you. My 20th birthday
was awesome, we celebrated by getting some free GF cheesecake at
Boston Pizza. 😍

This week was great! We put 2 more people on date for baptism, and our
investigator Ryan has been sober for a whole week. :') He also started
walking to church when his ride was a little bit late. He is a

This week as I have been thinking about what I have learned in my 3701
days on this earth, and I have learned a lot.. here is a little list
of the most important things I have leavened thus far (not in order of
the most important things):

1. People are awesome. Every single one of us has different feelings,
different styles, different opinions and that makes who we are.
2. Jesus Christ is the Saviour & Redeemer of the world as well as our
elder brother. I am the oldest in my family, so I don't know what it's
like to have an older brother, but I know that Christ paid the price
for all of our sins, pains, and heartaches. I know that because
sometimes I feel that no one understands the way I feel, but the way I
feel when I read about the Saviour suffering in the Garden of
Gethsemane is a feeling of comfort and of peace; that I know he is
there for me and that he can comfort me. He is the perfect older
brother. I am thankful for that.
3. We leave a memory with every single person that we meet. However,
we choose whether it is good or bad.
4. There is a God who loves us. It's that simple, look that the way
our bodies move, the way we are able to think and see, there is no way
that God didn't have a hand in this.
5. Just be nice. People like nice people. So be nice.

I have learned so many other things, but that is what I felt like
sharing today.
Love you all, have a great rest of the week.

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1. 2-0
2. Kiera & Zeke
3. TBT cuz dad's day
4. The whole Canada Edmonton Mission.

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