Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Week #1

Well, Hello World!
I am absolutely loving the MTC!
My companion, sister Hollon, and I are doing well and this last week has literally been the longest week of my life.  I think the first week at the MTC is the longest week ever.  However, on Sunday, Elder Bednar came and spoke which was really cool.  I loved hearing him talk!
We have these TRC appointments with investigators that come and volunteer.  Our investigators are Kylee and Harper!  Kyle is from Michigan and we are seriously like best friends!  She is so much fun to teach and I am sad that Saturday is our last day teaching her!  She said, "So I know that this is super weird, but I totally stalked you on Facebook!"  I was laughing because I would have done the same thing if I were her!  
I would really enjoy hearing from all of you guys!  There is this thing called Dear Elder, that is the best thing ever!  It's like letters getting sent the same day!  Anyways, I love my district so much and I am sad I have to leave them in two weeks, because we are like family!  They are the greatest ever!  Keep in touch!  Let me know who is getting married and such!
Also, I have learned so much about the gospel!  All of you that are going on missions, READ AND STUDY PREACH MY GOSPEL!!!  It seriously teaches you so much and literally you will use everything in there!

We went to the temple this morning and it was incredible!  I can't wait to go to Canada, even though I am still a rookie!

Love you all so much!

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