Hello friends,
So, we had transfer calls today, and I'm sad to say that Sister
McSweeney is leaving me. 😟
AND. I am staying two more transfers in Rainbow Valley YSA to train.
Holy. Literally I have never been so nervous/excited before in my life!
Oh my goodness. This week has been AMAZING.
Also, it's -28° C. Yay. 🤗🙃😐
So funny story, when I first came out on my mission, almost all of our
investigators were Asian. I don't know why, but they all were. Now,
most of our investigators are GINGER. I am going to miss sister
McSweeney saying "I LOVE GINGERS." Everytime we get out of an
appointment with one of them.
So, this week we accidentally set up a meeting with some Jehovah
Witnesses. And one of them said to both of us, "See my buddy Bill here
has been around for a while. And you two are pretty young, late
twenties, early thirties."
I was about to say, "BOI. I AM 19 YEARS OLD. I AM NOT 30."
Literally, I said to Sister McSweeney after, "Do we really look that old?"
It was hilarious.
But, I really hope I don't look that old. Oh my goodness.
Also, this week I had the opportunity to speak at Michelle's baptism.
Literally. I was so happy. Seeing someone that I found being baptized
was so great.
She bore her testimony at the end of the baptism & she said
(paraphrasing), "In total, I have been taught by 7 missionaries over a
period of 4 months... I knew my that my Heavenly Father loved me
before the missionaries taught me because I prayed one night that my
mom would start getting better, and she did."
Oh my goodness, I love that girl with all my heart.
We also started doing sister requests for the elders in Rutherford.
So, we are teaching this lady, Giselle, and SHE HAS THE CUTEST BABY. I
LOVE BABIES. Holly came with us; she is amazing. At the end of the
lesson her baby started saying, "Mormon" and sister McSweeney was
like, "GET IN MATE." It was also quite funny.
Oh yeah, last Wednesday Carol & Justin fed us dinner. So we are
walking to our car, and we see these hug looking dog creature things.
Oh my goodness, they were wolves. All I could think was, we are in
Canada aren't we.
I love you all so much. You keep on being you. Thanks for being so great.
I am so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the happiness it
brings me. I know that Christ loves and cares about us. Heavenly
Father does listen to every prayer. I love being a missionary, and I
love you.
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