Wednesday, December 14, 2016

October 11, 2016 Holly's Baptims, Snow and Canadian Thanksgiving!

Hello friends and family! My week was incredible!

Holly's baptism went so smoothly! The spirit was so strong! I loved
being able to be apart of her conversion! She is so cute! I love her
so much!

Cool story: we had 4 less actives at church this week which was
incredible! They all participated in lessons which was great!

Yesterday was Canadian thanksgiving, so we had a really great meal! It
was so much fun! It was also delicious. Ahh. We went finding yesterday
and we had people write down what they were thankful for on a
whiteboard. It ranged from Pokemon to Friends and Family. It was
really cool being able to talk to people about what they are thankful

Orestes moment of the week: we had a lesson with our investigator,
Jordan, yesterday and I told him that I like dogs. (It was the first
time I was meeting him, so we all went around and said something that
we liked) Orestes said that one day he is going to own a dog sanctuary

and name is after me. He is the best.

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