Wednesday, December 14, 2016

August 23, 2016

Hello friends and family:)
This week has been very good.

A few weeks ago in Zone Conference, we role played a single dad with a little girl, then this last week we met a guy on the LRT with a little girl.
Turns out he is a single dad who just wants full custody of his daughter.

Oh my goodness, it was so cool! We went to his Passover lesson with the Forest Heights sisters and it was the best lesson ever! We were talking about the restoration, and he just asks "what can I do to follow Jesus Christ? I will do anything."
We were like just like, "well okay then."
He is just so willing to learn more about Christ and how he can change his life since Christ helped him get his daughter back.
He was telling us how his wife left with his daughter during the middle of the night, and he didn't know when he was going to be able to see her next. Then he met some Mormons who told him that if he prayed with a sincere heart that God would answer his prayers. A few weeks later, his wife basically came back and dropped their daughter off then left again. 
He said that it was one of the most terrifying experiences he has ever had, but that he wants to know more about God and Jesus Christ. 

We were so happy about it. Sister Hill (in the Forest Heights area) said that serving down town is so much fun, but that it is so difficult to teach people because they are all crazy. Lol. 
In her own words, "it's hard to teach people about the restoration when everyone down town thinks that they are a prophet." I almost died of laughter.

I went on exchanges yesterday with Sister Arnold, and seriously she is the best. While we were on exchanges I saw an investigator roll a joint. Welcome to Canada. Lol.
We taught these three girls about forgiveness. 
They have all been through extremely difficult situations that I could not really relate to. However, as we were talking to them the talk "Our Path of Duty" by Keith B. McMullin came into my mind. He starts of his talk with a story about a Holocaust survivor forgiving one of the Nazi soldiers face to face after she spoke to a group about forgiveness. 
We told them that although this woman had every right to not forgive this man, she did. Then Sister Arnold talked about the talk "The Healing Ointment of Forgiveness" which is also a great talk. We then talked about how forgiveness will lift a weight of their shoulders, and how it has with us. 
Something really interesting that I found about this discussion was that we have scars, and that we can still remember when we got it and how it happened, but because they have healed they don't hurt anymore. We then related this to the power of forgiveness and how we are able to forgive others that have done to us. 
They all said that it would be extremely difficult for them to forgive the person for what they had done, but that they all wanted it in their life's.
It was pretty cool, especially since we had gone into the lesson expecting to teach the 3 kingdoms.

Oh yeah! 
Our investigator, Sarah Kim, has chosen September 2nd to be baptized!!!!!!! Wahoooo!!! She has such a strong testimony and it is so cool. I love her so much! She requested all of her Sunday's off for the rest of the year for her job! Which is so so so cool! 
Love you all!!!!

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