Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 12, 2016 OGDEN-MADE #blessed

Hello my beautiful people,

I am very pleased to say that my new companion is from none other than
#blessed #TenderMercies #OgdenMade

Anyway, her name is Sister Waite. She is freaking awesome! We had such
a cool week!

She also grew up about three houses down from my cousins, The Atagi's.
We know like all of the same people. Again, #blessed.

We get along SO well. I absolutely love being her trainer. Ugh, I love
her. She is absolutely great. Literally, I'm #blessed.

We have really had such an amazing week!

First off,

Since Louis didn't get baptized on December 3rd, we have been trying
to figure out a date that he will be completely ready for. We prayed
long and hard about it, and we said that January 7, 2017 would be the
So we talked all about Faith during the his lesson. We told him that
faith is kind of like bungee jumping. That it is really scary, but
that we trust that the Lord will always catch us.

Then he said, "Well, I am willing to do anything to take a leap of faith."

So Sister Waite said, "Louis, will you pray about being baptized on
January 7th right now?"

And he did.

Then, he said, "I feel really calm in my heart. I will be baptized
January 7th."

I really just am so happy that I get to be Sister Waite's trainer.

Haha, so it's so cold here.
We aren't supposed to go out past -40° C...
... but we did anyway...
haha, it got to -40° twice this week. TWICE..
we went tracting in that weather.
Everyone was like, "You two are really dedicated,"Oh my goodness, it
is so cold! Are you crazy" and my personal favourite, "We aren't
interested, but you STAY WARM."
Literally, everyone tells us to stay warm. We try. Lol.
Anyway, we went tracting in -40° it was awesome.
We go up to this door, and this lady answers the door. We realize that
she is German, and she can't really understand anything we are saying,
then she says "OH SERVICE. I HAVE A BANANA. DO YOU WANT THAT?" So long
story short, we got one banana while tracting.

We also were tracting and this man let us in to his home. We showed
him #LIGHTtheWORLD & he just started crying. It was so cool, he left
on Holiday but he told us he & his family will be back on December 22
so we will go back. :)

We also got to go singing at the University Hospital. It was so cool,
we sang "Mary did you Know" and this girl just sat there and cried. It
was so cool. See video below.

Well, I love you all so much. Hope your week is fantastic.

I love hearing from you all.

December 5, 2016 Many are Called, but Few Are Frozen ❄️☃️

Hello friends,

So, we had transfer calls today, and I'm sad to say that Sister
McSweeney is leaving me. 😟
AND. I am staying two more transfers in Rainbow Valley YSA to train.
Holy. Literally I have never been so nervous/excited before in my life!

Oh my goodness. This week has been AMAZING.

Also, it's -28° C. Yay. 🤗🙃😐

So funny story, when I first came out on my mission, almost all of our
investigators were Asian. I don't know why, but they all were. Now,
most of our investigators are GINGER. I am going to miss sister
McSweeney saying "I LOVE GINGERS." Everytime we get out of an
appointment with one of them.

So, this week we accidentally set up a meeting with some Jehovah
Witnesses. And one of them said to both of us, "See my buddy Bill here
has been around for a while. And you two are pretty young, late
twenties, early thirties."
I was about to say, "BOI. I AM 19 YEARS OLD. I AM NOT 30."
Literally, I said to Sister McSweeney after, "Do we really look that old?"
It was hilarious.
But, I really hope I don't look that old. Oh my goodness.

Also, this week I had the opportunity to speak at Michelle's baptism.
Literally. I was so happy. Seeing someone that I found being baptized
was so great.
She bore her testimony at the end of the baptism & she said
(paraphrasing), "In total, I have been taught by 7 missionaries over a
period of 4 months... I knew my that my Heavenly Father loved me
before the missionaries taught me because I prayed one night that my
mom would start getting better, and she did."

Oh my goodness, I love that girl with all my heart.

We also started doing sister requests for the elders in Rutherford.
So, we are teaching this lady, Giselle, and SHE HAS THE CUTEST BABY. I
LOVE BABIES. Holly came with us; she is amazing. At the end of the
lesson her baby started saying, "Mormon" and sister McSweeney was
like, "GET IN MATE." It was also quite funny.

Oh yeah, last Wednesday Carol & Justin fed us dinner. So we are
walking to our car, and we see these hug looking dog creature things.
Oh my goodness, they were wolves. All I could think was, we are in
Canada aren't we.

I love you all so much. You keep on being you. Thanks for being so great.

I am so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the happiness it
brings me. I know that Christ loves and cares about us. Heavenly
Father does listen to every prayer. I love being a missionary, and I

love you.

November 29, 2016 #LIT

Hey everyone!
This week was fun!

I can't believe that transfers are next week already! Hollllllyyy.
Hah, we had a birthday party for Louis. He invited 30 of his friends,
but onLy two of them came. Sad, but he said "No worries, I will still
invite my friends every time I go to church."
He is so sweet. Lol.
While we were there, all of the Mandarin Chinese speaking
missionaries, started saying "HOOOLLLYYYY" then all the rest of them
echoed each other by repeating, "HOOOOLLLLY." They were all making fun
of Elder Yu. I guess he got scared my something at their ping pong
activity and said, "Hooollllyyyy, that is sooo scary."
And now, literally all they say is, "Honey, Where are my pants?" in
Mandarin and, "holy."
Lots of "holy's" in that. My bad.

So for our service activities each week, we go to the Food Bank each
week & sort out our food. Sister McSweeney has served in a YSA ward
before & they also went to the food bank for service. There is a guy
named Nick there, and sister McSweeney just straight in  up asked if
we could teach him. SO, we are now teaching him :)

OKAAYYYY. Remember, Michelle Liu?!? She was another Asian girl that we
were teaching a while ago. SHE IS GETTING BAPTIZED on Saturday. She is
so sweet. I text her to tell her congrats and she said. "I am quite
excited myself. Thank you for stopping me at the LRT station.
Otherwise I would not have been able to come to know our Heavenly
Father & the love that he has for all his  children." I cried. I'm
speaking at her baptism this Saturday & I am so excited.

Well, I love you all so much. I'd also really love to her from you.

November 22, 2016 Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

Hello my beautiful people!!!

This week has been amazing!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness, where do I begin?!?!

First off, Jordan Reid's baptism went swimmingly. (lol, pun intended) 
His dream was to have all the sister missionaries that taught him at his baptism, and we were like, "Sorry Jordan all your homies are on the other side of the city, but we can tell them to ask permission to come."
So, it was basically a miracle when all of them got to come watch Jordan be baptized.  

I love being able to see the light in other's eyes as the accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I am so thankful for all that Christ has done for each one of us, so we are able to partake in seeing others become closer to Him as well.  
I am so thankful for missionary work, bringing people closer to Jesus Christ is my favorite thing ever. The spirit was so strong at Jordan's baptism. I talked to his parents (non-members) a little bit afterwards, and his mom said "You know, I couldn't help but get choked up when I saw him in the water." 
Literally, I was going to say, "Well. that is the spirit, do you want that feeling with you for your whole life, the water is still warm?" but, I am definitely not that bold quite yet. 

Louis (our investigator) was at the baptism. I asked him if he could feel the spirit during the baptism, and he said, "Yes, but I think I want to help someone else before I am baptized."  He is such a great missionary, we are having a birthday party for him on Saturday and he said, "There are going to be at least 30 people there, I want 10 missionaries there so that we can be spreading the gospel to everyone at my birthday party."  
Literally, who is this guy!?!?  He is so sweet, he is turning 19. so that definitely means we will bring up missions with him.  He is so cool!

On Friday, we got to go to English Class with the Mandarin Elders for "Fairytale Friday."  We performed (and it was a performance), "The Three Little Pigs." 
ANNNND guess who got to be the BIG BAD WOLF, that's right, yours truly. 🙋💁
I was the best big bad wolf ever, very intimidating.  
Lol, all those Chinese people we rolling, literally, rolling on the floor laughing every time I spoke.  

 We got to go sing at a fireside that President Pattison was speaking at on Sunday. When we were practicing a bit before Sister Van Vleet, my Sister Training Leader, asked "do you think there'll be refreshments?" We all laughed and assured her there probably would be some sort of sugary goodness. Bonus story within the story. The closing song of the fireside was Called to Serve and Sister Van Vleet stood right up to sing it and by the end, everyone in the chapel was belting the most classic missionary song there ever was. We sat back down for the closing prayer and it was a very nice prayer. At the end the kid praying added on "Please bless the refreshments." We lost our reverence for a minute while Sister Van Vleet started smacking everyone in our pew because there were going to be refreshments. They were ice cream sandwiches and they were delicious.

Also, I found out that President Pattison got married 3 days after he got home from his mission, oh my goodness. stress. But, they are still happily married, so whatever floats your goat I guess.

Well, i love you all so much!! I hope that you are all doing well!

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher

November 15, 2016 "We need to maximize the Number of Baptisms here" -Louis Wu

Sorry, I don't have much time this week.

We have had an incredible week, especially with Louis.
We saw him 3 times last week, and he told us "I want to be a
missionary." & then he was with us and the Mandarin Elders, and he
taught us how to do missionary work more efficiently. It was so funny!
He also told us the main reasons why people don't join the church,
then said "So we need to maximize the number of baptisms here!"
I am also really excited for Jordan's baptism on Thursday! He is so
prepared to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ that it's insane. He is so
excited to have the Holy Ghost with him.

I really love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and all the love that I feel
from it.  This week was I am especially grateful for the knowledge
that we have about the Plan of Salvation. It is so dear to my heart.
I am also grateful for true conversion. We were asked to study true
conversion this week, and it has really changed my life. I love this


November 8, 2016 What do you call a yak who can't have gluten? A Silly-Yak 🐏🐐🐑

Hello friends and Family,

I hope you all have had a fantastic week.
Personally, my week has been a roller coaster of emotions.
#1. Sarah Kim has officially dropped us, so that was a bummer.

Actually, that is really the only sad thing that has happened this
week... ☺️☺️☺️

So, on to the best parts about my week.

This week, we have literally been finding all day everyday. Last week,
Sister McSweeney said, "We are going to find someone named Tom today,"
but we didn't (that day). We didn't the next day either, or the next
BUT... On Sunday... We went tracting for literally 3 1/2 hours!! We
had made 73 approaches all in that amount of time.

And then, there was this guy in a camo hoodie with a real cute dog..
So you guys all know me, I go up to him and say, "I like your dog.
What kind of dog is she?"
Then we start talking. Give him a Book of Mormon and he committed to
read it, so we get his phone number and I say, "What was your name
He says, "Tom."
LITERALLY, I looked at sister McSweeney and she had this cheeky little
grin on her face. We walked away and almost peed ourselves!!! I was
just thinking that Heavenly Father always ALWAYS answers our prayers.

Jordan Reid came to church on Sunday and said, "I'm supposed to be at
work right now, but I told them not to expect me on Sunday's so that's
their fault." He is great.
He is also getting baptized next week instead of the 26th!! Wahoooo!!
I love this Work, I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love seeing the
change that people have because of it, I am so thankful for all the
blessings that Heavenly Father gives us. He is so good to us.

Just like it says in Proverbs 25:25 "As cold waters to a thirsty soul,
so is good news from a far country."

Have a great week! I love you all.

November 1, 2016 Chips & Fish, Doctor Who, Ice Cream on the Sea Shore too, and my accent that I'll never ever lose.

Cheerio Mates,

How is everyone doing?!?

As you might be able to tell, my new companion is from.... ENGLAND.
Rugby, England to be exact!
I really love her so much! Her name is Sister McSweeney! She loves
biking and playing her cello. She got a degree in sports science, is
the oldest of 4 (three young brothers), and is amazing!!!!!

Literally, I love her so much!!!!

We set Sarah Kim on date, as well as Louis!!!

On Sunday, we saw this blow up vampire minion (and sister McSweeney
loves minions) so we went up and knocked on the door to ask permission
if we could take a picture by it. She said (in her cute English
accent) "In my country, no one really celebrates Halloween, so can we
take a picture by this thing of yours?" And then they took a picture
of us, and then they gave us bags of candy!!!

So we decided to go tracting to everyone who had Halloween decorations up.

October 25, 2016 BALUTE!

Hello everyone,

Her is an update on my people.

Also, I am getting a new companion! She is from England. She is great,
I've heard!

Brant Zang: It worked! Brant is coming to church this Sunday! He's
buying a suit on Saturday to come listen to John speak! We found out
he is in Millcreek, though, which is a bummer. Thankfully, the
Mandarin Elders can keep teaching him. After this Sunday, we will
integrate him into the Millcreek ward. Thank you for your prayers and
your faith! The prayers from the ward council are a big reason why
he's coming this week. Thank you!

Louis: Taught the Word of Wisdom. He's already living it, so that
wasn't a problem! We invited Joshua Hillman to come to the next
lesson. Josh mentioned he hadn't been set apart yet.

Jordan Reid: Taught temples and family history with Audrey Tetu. He
loved it and is excited to go to the temple after his baptism. He is
coming to church this Sunday! When you see him, please take a moment
to introduce yourself. He is a great guy, you'll be glad you said

Kevin Wong: Met in Kim's home again. We discussed his Book of Mormon
reading and how it relates to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Discussed
priesthood authority (Matt 10:1, Hebrews 5:4). He's starting to
understand the reason for authority and wants to have a weekly reading
in the Book of Mormon.
We saw him on the bus on the way home the other day. It was a tender
mercy because we wanted to make sure he lived in our area!

Less Active:

Sabrina Robertson: Shared quotes from the Women's Broadcast, discussed
love. We came back today with the Elders to give her a blessing for
health. She's been sick. The blessing brought a strong spirit into the
room, which was neat because she had four friends there. One
investigator and another less active.

Sara Bezanson: Talked about having a Christ cantered life. We're happy
she's coming to church!

Lionel: Had a lesson on fasting. We might fast with him this Sunday.
He came to an appointment with Alex T. Turns out we couldn't go, so he
taught her a lesson on our divine nature as children of God. It was
cool to see how that worked out.

Paige Wynne: Taught a neat lesson on the Restoration. With Orestes and
Brigham. Our next lesson will be in Laurenne's home. She remembers her
testimony, is willing to pray about everything again. She might get
kicked out of her house for returning to the church. Are there any
sisters looking for a roommate? She's lovely :)

Alex T: Read about Patriarchal blessings in True to the Faith. Good
discussion! She wants to work towards receiving her blessing.

Recent Convert

Holly Engel: Taught the Plan of Salvation in Tyler's home with Josh
Carter. Great discussion, they are coming to FHE this week. Is there a
group for them?

Other Notes

We've seen Audrey Tetu almost every day this week. She came to
Jordan's lesson, then we had a lesson with her. We've seen her in
other ways this week as well. Today she had us for supper and we
discussed Forgiveness, which we all have been studying together this
week. She js doing much better, and she recognizes that.

Your girl, Sister Lexie Rex Fisher

October 21, 2016 Meeting Holly and Tyler

We had the awesome opportunity to meet Holly and Tyler this week!  Lexie has been teaching Holly the last little bit and Holly was baptized just a week ago!  Holly and her friend Tyler came to Utah so we met them at Maddox!  It was definitely a tender mercy and an experience I will never forget!  When we asked Holly her story this is what she said!
"I have been going to the singles ward for about three years!  My boyfriend and my best friend are LDS so I have been around a lot of Mormons, I just have never been ready to take the discussions!  One day I was sitting in Sacrament and I said to my boyfriend, Are those the new sister missionaries.  He wasn't sure, but after the meeting, Sister Fisher came up and introduced herself to me!  It was after that meeting, that I told Tyler I wanted Sister Fisher to teach me the discussions!"  She said she knows that Heavenly Father had prepared her for Sister Fisher to get there and teach her!  She also said that Lexie is so REAL and so easy to relate with!!!!  This was one of the best nights of our life!  The spirit was so strong and it was so good to hear someone speak such good things about Lexie! We cried, laughed and had the most enjoyable evening!

October 18, Last week of being Green

Hello everyone!!!!!

How is everyone doing!?

I'm doing great!

This last week was sort of exciting.

We tried to help Justin & Carol move, but then they ended up not
moving. So they are kinda homeless now. 😔 we work with a tripan of
elder who are literally the most interesting tripan ever.  They were
so sad.

We were really scared that we would tract cockroaches into our house
because they were INFESTED with them. It was disgusting.
Anyway, not a lot of time! Love you all so much!

Your girl, Sister Lexie Rex Fisher

October 11, 2016 Holly's Baptims, Snow and Canadian Thanksgiving!

Hello friends and family! My week was incredible!

Holly's baptism went so smoothly! The spirit was so strong! I loved
being able to be apart of her conversion! She is so cute! I love her
so much!

Cool story: we had 4 less actives at church this week which was
incredible! They all participated in lessons which was great!

Yesterday was Canadian thanksgiving, so we had a really great meal! It
was so much fun! It was also delicious. Ahh. We went finding yesterday
and we had people write down what they were thankful for on a
whiteboard. It ranged from Pokemon to Friends and Family. It was
really cool being able to talk to people about what they are thankful

Orestes moment of the week: we had a lesson with our investigator,
Jordan, yesterday and I told him that I like dogs. (It was the first
time I was meeting him, so we all went around and said something that
we liked) Orestes said that one day he is going to own a dog sanctuary

and name is after me. He is the best.