Wednesday, December 13, 2017

November 13, 2017 Love y'all

Hey Family!

It’s me! 
I know, I totally forgot to tell y’all last week that my pday is on Monday this week. We are hearing from Elder Swietzer of the seventy tomorrow, so we changed pday to today.

I am in a new area called Griechbach. It’s pronounced grease Bach... I think... I don’t know if anyone really knows how to pronounce it.
I have two new lovelllyyyy companions. Sister Fernandez from Toronto, Ontario. My home girl knows my good ol’ buddy Dalton Kohl. :’)
My other wonderful friend is Sister Tsou (like, so). She is from Taiwan, and she is awesoommeeeeee!!

This week has kinda been a gong show. Actually, it’s been a complete gong show. We have been teaching lesson after lesson after lesson. I have taught more investigator lessons the last few days than I did in the last 6 weeks.  

This week was also Remembrance Day. We got to go to the park and watch a service done by the military. It was pretty cool.  

So adventure time for the week. 🔥🔥🔥 <<< literally 

So, we went to a baptism with the Namao elders, and we were in a big hurry after lunch... so we went to the baptism and we went home because our appointment cancelled and we need to get things done....

This is where it gets crazy. 
Well, I get outside and I am like “who is grilling? They are BURNIN their burgers.”
we get to the doors and I hear a faint, “beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.” 

I opened the door to our apartment and smoke just comes plummeting out. Oh my goodness. Our house almost caught on fire!!!!!!!!! One of us was boiling and eggs in the rush of things, we all left without turning off the stove!!!! 

Well, let me just tell you. I am so thankful that investigator cancelled his lesson. If not, we would have probably burned the house down. I can echo the words of Nephi when he said, “behold I will show unto that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all whom he hath chosen.” 
I am thankful that Heavenly Father gives us spiritual promptings and that he shows his love in so many different ways. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week and don’t forget that I love you. 

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

^^^ just letting you know, I’ve only got a few weeks left. Send me the lovvveeeeee.
1. Saying goodbye to BRENDDAA VICTORIANO.
2. My girl Sister Waite.
3. Posterity picture
4. MLC
3. New comps

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