Sunday, February 26, 2017

February 7, 2017 Fisher... Of Men????🎣🎣

Hello my beautiful friends,

I love you all!!

This week, the His Hands firesides have officially started!!!!
They are AWESOME!!!!
Last concert, we have 122 people show up!!!! Pretty exciting, eh?

I met an lady named, Jeebs, at this concert. I decided I want to be
like Jeebs when I grow old. She steps on my foot on accident and then
turns around and says, "OH MY DEAR, I AM SO SORRY." Then proceeds to
tell me how she is a professional clown, and starts juggling some
hacky sacks. Then looks at my name tag, and says, "SISTER FISHER. LIKE
FISHER.... OF MEN..." and gives me this cheeky eyebrow through her
Yellow-rimmed glasses.
Then she points out the letters in my name,
"Friend to everyone."
"Someone you can trust."
"Hippie Hoppy".
"Ready to Go."

I like Jeebs. She is pretty awesome.
The His Hands Firesides are so beautiful though. I am so happy that I
get to be apart of the club without actually being in the club. I am
so happy Sister Waite has a beautiful voice.
I was just sitting there listening to them sing, and the spirit hit me
just like a ton of bricks. The Savior loves me. The Saviour suffered
and died for each one of us, he loves us. He wants us to return live
with him and our Heavenly Father. Don't ever forget that okay?

We also met with my girl, Holly, this week. She is getting married 4
days before I get home. It's okay, I'm just a little bit sad about it.
FOUR DAYS. oh, I love that girl way too much for my heart to handle.

We got Tia (our investigator) on date! She is awesome! We just asked
her, "Tia, do you think becoming a member of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints could benefit you?" And she said, "Yes, it
would." UNSAHHHH. (Only sis. Waite will get that joke)
Well, that's about it for this week!!!
I love you all!!!!

Sister Fish 🐟🐡

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