Wednesday, December 13, 2017

December 12, 2017 🎡 the streets are filled with Christmas Cheer 🎡

Hey y’all. 
It’s been a few weeks hasn’t it?
Well, it’s now December and that means CHRISTMAS IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. I love Christmas time.

With the new #LIGHTtheWORLD initiative, I hope that all of you are truly feeling the spirit of Christ in your lives. Today is “blessed are those that mourn.”

It brings me back to a time when my family was going through a really difficult time. We were all at my grandpa’s home just trying to cope with all of the chaos of the world. My friend, Lexi Call, just brought me a present of a little willow tree figurine; basically just to tell me that she was thinking about me... Well, I don’t know is Lex reads my emails, but I have never forgotten that little act of kindness that she did for me. I have that figurine still sitting on a shelf in my room back home. It is one of the things that I have always treasured for my whole life. 

Well, in the past few weeks we have gone on two exchanges with the Red Deer 3rd sisters and the Camrose sisters. 

I got to go with Sister Toone and Sister Bowie, both of them are visa waiting to go to the Dominican Republic πŸ‡©πŸ‡΄. Sister Bowie and I just clicked. She is from Lethbridge and knows a lot of the people that I know from my first area. She also loves art (same) and played basketball (same). She is such a awesome missionary. 

I got some surprises while I was in Camrose. I got to see two of my favourite members ever. I was seriously so thankful for that. I loved it.

Well, I hope you all have had a great last few weeks. See you in 3!! 🀩

We also went curling last week. πŸ₯ŒπŸ₯ŒπŸ₯Œ

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1. Sister Toone.
2. Sister Bowie
3. Sister Britney
4. Companions

November, 28, 2017 "You are going to get married if you haven't watched Korean Drama?" S. Tsou

Hey franns,

It’s me. Your girl. Sister Fish.

This week was full of great and wonderful things.

Saturday we got to help out at a Chinese wedding. Sister Fernandez speaks Tagalog, Sister Tsou speaks Mandarin, annnnnnd then there’s me. 🧜🏼‍♀️🧜🏽‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️ I just try to say things in Mandarin and I guess I was not made for the Mandarin Chinese language... haha
The wedding was great! The Bride and Groom’s first dance was probably my favourite part.... HA! They were awesome! 
Sister Tsou looks over at me and says, “Sister. How are you going to get married if you haven’t watched Korean Drama!?!”  I guess it will teach me everything I need to know. 

We also met this guy named Tim last week... Tim is baptist... Tim also tried to set all three of us up on dates with his sons. . . . . That, my friends, was so awkward. Tim knows so much about Mormons too. Hahah, so any of you that have served missions knows what that’s all about. πŸ‘‹πŸΌπŸ‘‹πŸΌ

This week I have been praying for God’s will to be done over my will. This week has also been one f the most flakey weeks of my mission. All of our supper appointments cancelled. Almost 2/3 of our lessons fell through. It feels like everything is up in the air and I’m looking up at everything waiting for it to fall down. However, I have learned this week that God intends me do more than I think is possible. God expects all of us to defy the odds. 

I am so grateful that God doesn’t cut us short of anything we aren’t capable of. 

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1&2: Sister Fisher’s new best friend. India.
3. The bride and Groom
4. The wedding party 
5. Wedding Crashers

November 21, 2017 Dating advise from a General Authority

This week was wonderful.

We had mission tour with Elder Schwitzer of the 70. We had mlc with him as well.  The spirit spoke to myself so strongly as I just thought about my mission. Growth comes so slowly, but when you look back from where you came from you realize how much growth you have actually made..

On Monday, I also had the chance to be interviewed by Elder Schwitzer... At first I was really nervous, but as soon as I found out he was born in Ogden... I calmed down at little bit. He asked me a few questions, but then he gave me the best advise ever...

Dating advise. 

He said, “you go home soon. You’re probably going to be dating quickly after you get home.. (lol, Pysch).” 

He said, “this is what I call the JEFF principle.
J: judgement. Always use righteous judgement. Examine how he treats others before you go on a date.
E: Evaluate. Evaluate the creativity of your dates or is he just taking you out to eat and then watching a movie and hanging out? If he isn’t creative in your dates, he probably won’t be creative in the gospel.” 
F: feelings. This one is simple. You have to be attracted to the person. 
F: Faith. If all three of those are in line. Have faith. Faith is important when it comes to dating. Always show faith in everything you do.”

That was a little shocking to me, I’m still in missionary mind. 

Mission Tour was wonderful. Elder Schwitzer showed us so many different things. I was able to learn so much from him and by led by the spirit.

We also went on exchanges this week. My first exchange as a Sister training leader was a gong show, but it was very good gong show. I went with Sister Beauchat. She is awesome.

Well, everyone. I know that Heavenly Father loves each of you. 

That’s all I’ve got for this week.

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1. Comps
2. Sister Beauchat 
3. Exchanges

November 13, 2017 Love y'all

Hey Family!

It’s me! 
I know, I totally forgot to tell y’all last week that my pday is on Monday this week. We are hearing from Elder Swietzer of the seventy tomorrow, so we changed pday to today.

I am in a new area called Griechbach. It’s pronounced grease Bach... I think... I don’t know if anyone really knows how to pronounce it.
I have two new lovelllyyyy companions. Sister Fernandez from Toronto, Ontario. My home girl knows my good ol’ buddy Dalton Kohl. :’)
My other wonderful friend is Sister Tsou (like, so). She is from Taiwan, and she is awesoommeeeeee!!

This week has kinda been a gong show. Actually, it’s been a complete gong show. We have been teaching lesson after lesson after lesson. I have taught more investigator lessons the last few days than I did in the last 6 weeks.  

This week was also Remembrance Day. We got to go to the park and watch a service done by the military. It was pretty cool.  

So adventure time for the week. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ <<< literally 

So, we went to a baptism with the Namao elders, and we were in a big hurry after lunch... so we went to the baptism and we went home because our appointment cancelled and we need to get things done....

This is where it gets crazy. 
Well, I get outside and I am like “who is grilling? They are BURNIN their burgers.”
we get to the doors and I hear a faint, “beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.” 

I opened the door to our apartment and smoke just comes plummeting out. Oh my goodness. Our house almost caught on fire!!!!!!!!! One of us was boiling and eggs in the rush of things, we all left without turning off the stove!!!! 

Well, let me just tell you. I am so thankful that investigator cancelled his lesson. If not, we would have probably burned the house down. I can echo the words of Nephi when he said, “behold I will show unto that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all whom he hath chosen.” 
I am thankful that Heavenly Father gives us spiritual promptings and that he shows his love in so many different ways. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week and don’t forget that I love you. 

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

^^^ just letting you know, I’ve only got a few weeks left. Send me the lovvveeeeee.
1. Saying goodbye to BRENDDAA VICTORIANO.
2. My girl Sister Waite.
3. Posterity picture
4. MLC
3. New comps

November 7, 2017 Last transfer...

😒😒😒😒Hey Fam!

Well, it’s been a fast 6 weeks in Sherwood Park, and I am sad to say I am leaving...  I will tell you all about it next week. 😜😜😜

This week was probably one of the most rewarding weeks of my mission. 
We had a lesson with our investigator Jim... I am so sad to be leaving Jim.  Jim hasn’t prayed in 7 years. His wife passed away and he is just mad at God. 
Well, HE PRAYED. JIM PRAYED. I don’t know why that was so special to me, but it was. 

I have been studying the Book of Mormon this week and holy moly. I love it. I love the teachings that it teaches. It teaches us about the Saviour. I am so grateful to know that. I love this gospel so much.

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

Pics; Halloween

October 31, 2017 This is... Heckaween or Christmas

Yes, it is snowing... but not just snowing, it is really SNOWING. 

This week was actually so great. 
We went to Tofield and Vegreville and Mundare and Chipman. 


Seriously, Tofield is the best. 
The members there are awesome. 

I met my long lost family, the fishers. And they are awesome. Sister Fisher is like my best friend. So we were going to do some stuff at the church, and we always just park like weirdos so we don’t have to back each other, then Sister Fisher walks in and says “you are going to love how I parked.” Well, Sister fisher parked right in front of our car so even though we usually wouldn’t have to back, we did. 

I was like, “okay, I see you sista fish.” It was also fun to just say my name without it my being me.
We had supper with the fishers the first night in Tofield, and their daughters were like “you are my long lost sister. I just know it.”

They are my favvvvssss.

I seriously loved everything about Tofield. It’s the best. 

This week I have been studying a lot about forgiveness and true Christ like love. 
There was an amazing talk about forgiveness by President Uchtdorf.

In his talk he says, “Remember, heaven is filled with those who have this in common: They are forgiven. And they forgive.”  

I couldn’t help but to think of all of those who I have either hurt or been hurt by, I must forgive and be forgiven by these people. 

Heaven will be full of those who are merciful, I think that is so amazing. To think about everyone being able to be forgiven. That is awesome to me. :)

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1. Mundare has a huge statue of a sausage.
2. Vegreville
3. Pics 

October 24, 2017

Here’s some pics:
All the mandarin speaking missionaries (I don’t know why we were in this pic)
My fav elders (Elder Cheng thought my fangs were hilarious)
Zone conference
The squad - Sister V.. 

October 10, 2017 Thankful and Oh So Grateful

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was such a good day. I ate so much turkey and ham. Yesterday was incredible. We got to eat supper with a whole bunch of missionary friends and we just had an awesomely great day. :) 

This week we’ve just been doing a lot of knocking doors and talking to people. 

This week I have also been studying accepting god’s will. You know, I still have a while left on my mission, but it’s scary when everyone keeps telling you that you are getting close to the end. Accepting God’s will is sometime really difficult. However, accepting God’s plan for us is the way we will get closer to him. The more we accept God’s will, the more willing god will be to give us more blessings.

I also decided think about the three questions President Nelson asked in his general conference address, but I am only going to answer one.

1. What would your life be like without the Book of Mormon?

Oh my. Where do I even begin. My life would be so sad. I would not have the peace of mind that I will see my family members in a perfected state again one day.  I would not have the knowledge that God the Father is so loving. 

I love you all!

1. Thanksgiving Squad
2&3&4 puppppppppppiesss
5. Comps

October 3, 2017 General Conference set fire to this snow

Hey y'all!

So transfer news, I have two new companions sister McCaffery and
sister Nichols. Sister McCaffery is from Ontario and Sister Nichols is
from Florida. We are covering 3 wards and 1 branch. When President
told me where I was going, he said "You'll be like a Utah missionary,
except my biggest area was over 31 wards." Hahahah, holy.

We had a sister conference this week with all the sisters in the
mission. Okay, it was the best two days of my life. We started off
with a clothing exchange where we just basically swapped a bunch of
clothes. We then had a wonderful dinner, and then had an activity....
we all went into a room in the church and they had a projector and we
were like, "what's going on?"
dream, but we did watch beauty and the beast. It was absolutely
incredible. I loved it so much. πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’›

It was great.

But let me tell you, GENERAL CONFERENCE THOUGH. Like, straight fire. I
loved it a lot. I had a lot of my questions that I didn't really know
I had answered. It's so cool to see how the Leaders of the church are
so inspired, I hope that you all had your questions.

I really enjoyed all the talks, but Tad R. Callister's talk was a
booming with truth and power. His talk was a testament to me that -
despite what so many people tell us - Joseph Smith is a prophet.

Yeah, sorry we are at zone sports and I haven't played in a long time,
so love you byeeeee!

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1. This is literally the house I live in.

September 26, 2017

hiHey y'all! 
It's transfer week, just letting you know.

This week has been a week of whirlwinds and emotions.

We had to postpone our musical fireside due because the people who were involved in it the most, had a passing in their family. So, yeah... October 29th is when they will be having the fireside. 

Can I just say that the women's session of conference was off the CHAIN! All of the talks were amazing, so I'm just going to direct you to to go and watch the talks. Holy moly. 

I have to say that Sister Joy D. Jones talk was my favourite though. 

The talks aren't on yet, but the summaries are:

The Spirit will confirm to each of us individually our divine worth. Truly knowing that you are a daughter of God will affect every aspect of your life and guide you in the service you render each day. …
… No matter what, we always have worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.
Despite this marvelous truth, how many of us struggle, from time to time, with negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves? I do. It’s an easy trap. Satan is the father of all lies, especially when it comes to misrepresentations about our own divine nature and purpose. Thinking small about ourselves does not serve us well. Instead it holds us back. …
Sisters, let’s not be confused about who we are! While it is often easier to be spiritually passive than it is to put forth the spiritual effort to remember and embrace our divine identity, we cannot afford that indulgence in these latter days. May we, as sisters, “be faithful in Christ; … may Christ lift [us] up, and may his sufferings and death, … and his mercy and long-suffering, and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in [our minds] forever” [Moroni 9:25].
 I know that my Heavenly Father is so aware of me because women's conference is just what I needed. I seriously can't wait for general conference this week because I know that I am going to receive answers to questions that I have had in the back of my mind. 
I promise you if you have a question, you write down, and you watch general conference that you will get your answer. So many times questions that have long bothered me have been answered through general conference. I am so thankful for that. I know without a shadow of a doubt in my heart that the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are inspired of God to know what to talk about during general conference. I know that God is aware of each of us and that he loves us so dearly! 
I hope you all have a wonderful week and are going to watch GC because it's the most wonderful time of the year. 

Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

Pics Pics Pics:
1. Laser Tag in the woods 
2. Katrina & Jenn
3. More Laser Tag fun
4. Mervin & Laara our Recent Converts :)
5. My companion is such an amazing artist :,)

September 19, 2017 Not a "one-size-fits-all"

Hello my beautiful people :)

This week was awesome! We had stake conference and Elder Clayton of the 70 came and spoke to us.  

My favourite part of stake conference was when Elder Clayton asked President Pattison to share his conversion story.  President Pattison was attending university in Ottawa when the missionaries knocked on his door. President Pattison was atheist/agnostic during this time. He let the missionaries in and they shared a message with them. President Pattison shared his scientific view on life while the missionaries started to pack up and not set up a return appointment. Then President's brother asked the missionaries to come again. Well, long story short over the course of 7 weeks President was able to come to a belief in God as well as be baptized. After that he served a mission in Ogden, Utah. (πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ) 

 Elder Clayton then asked what he thought about the missionaries in the Canada Edmonton Mission. President Pattison said, "I want each of you to know that these missionaries do the hard things. I love them and am so thankful to be their mission President." 

I was crying like a baby because I love President Pattison so much. He has helped me through some of the hardest times on my mission. 

After stake conference, we got to see our burnt - I mean - best friends. (inside joke) Sister Passey and Sister Heredia are seriously our besties. We did companionship study with them and it was just awesome. 

We taught a bunch of people as well as knocked on the ghetto of Wetaskiwin.

I am grateful for the all of the opportunities that I have to share the gospel while on my mission. I have learned that the gospel is not a 'one size fits all.' The gospel look so different on every person. I am so thankful that I have learned that we all do things differently, and that's what makes the gospel so awesome. I love it and love seeing how it changes people's lives.
Sorry my emails have been lame lately. Next weeks will be straight fire though

Just in case you forgot that you could make my day: (we get mail next week)
Sister Lexie Rex Fisher
305-8925 51 Ave. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3

1. Ice cream you scream
2. Squad du squad
3. Wetaskiwin Meadows >>
4. 14 months holla